Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ongkos Naik Haji Tahun 2010

Ongkos Haji Tahun 2010

Ongkos Naik Haji tahun 2010 ini mengalami penurunan sekitar Rp.700.000. Penurunan ini didapat setelah Komisi VIII DPR RI melakukan rapat bersama Kementerian Agama mengenai biaya naik haji tahun ini. Dibanding tahun lalu, biaya ibadah haji tahun ini turun US$80.

Berikut adalah daftar Ongkos Haji tahun 2010 yang harus dibayar pada masing-masing embarkasi:

01. Embarkasi Aceh: 3.147 dollar AS

02. Embarkasi Medan: 3.237 dollar AS

03. Embarkasi Batam: 3.325 dollar AS

04. Embarkasi Padang: 3.233 dollar AS

05. Embarkasi Palembang: 3.280 dollar AS

06. Embarkasi Jakarta: 3.364 dollar AS

07. Embarkasi Solo: 3.327 dollar AS

08. Embarkasi Surabaya: 3.432 dollar AS

09. Embarkasi Banjarmasin: 3.440 dollar AS

10. Embarkasi Balikpapan: 3.474 dollar AS

11. Embarkasi Makassar: 3.505 dollar AS

Semoga Ongkos Haji Tahun 2010 ini dapat bermanfaat buat seluruh umat Muslim di Penjuru tanah Air yang akan berangkat naik haji tahun 2010 dan tahun yang akan datang. Terimakasih.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Gambar Uang 10 Ribu - Baru

Gambar Uang 10 Ribu - Baru

Ini dia, gambar uang 10 ribu yang baru. Bentuknya masih mirip-mirip dengan 10 ribuan yang lama.

Bank Indoesia mencetak uang baru sepuluh ribu rupiah. Namun uang baru ini hanya berbeda warna. Jika sebelumnya ungu kemerahan, uang baru ini berwarna ungu kebiruan. Selain agar tidak mudah dipalsu, uang baru ini juga untuk mencegah kerancuan antara uang kertas sepuluh ribu dengan seratus ribu rupiah. Maklum uang yang berbeda nilai ini seringkali tertukar.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pengumuman SNMPTN 2010 - Online Internet

Pengumuman  SNMPTN 2010 - Online Internet

Hasil Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) 2010 diumumkan secara serentak hari ini, Sabtu (17/7). Namun pengumuman sudah dapat diakses melalui website sejak pukul 18.00 WIB. Pada tahun ini dua PTN di Semarang yang menggelar SNMPTN yaitu Undip dan Unnes.

"Peserta dapat melihat pengumuman SNMPTN di website atau pukul 18.00 sore ini," Ketua Panitia Lokal (Panlok) SNMPTN 42 Semarang, Prof Supriadi Rustad, saat dihubungi Jumat (16/7).

Selain melalui website, lanjut dia, peserta dapat mengecek secara manual di beberapa surat kabar yang diterbitkan di Semarang.

Pada penerimaan mahasiswa melalui jalur SNMPTN ini, Undip menerima 1.619 calon  mahasiswa baru. Sedangkan Unnes menerima 2.257 calon mahasiswa baru. "Mereka yang telah diterima telah menyisihkan 16.717 peserta ujian yang berlangsung pada 16-17 Juni lalu,'' tuturnya yang juga Pembantu Rektor I Unnes ini.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pengumuman SNMPTN 2010

Pengumuman SNMPTN 2010

Pengumuman Hasil SNMPTN 2010 akan diumumkan pada hari sabtu, tanggal 17 Juli 2010 melalui situs resmi Mulai Pukul 00.00 WIB.

Juru Bicara Panitia SNMPTN Panlok Bandung, Weny Widyowati mengatakan selain melalui media cetak nasional dan lokal, peserta dapat mengecek langsung melalui website "Mulai pukul 00.00 WIB malam nanti," ujar Weny.
Cara yang kedua, peserta bisa dapat langsung mengakses website panitia lokal SNMPTN. Namun data yang tersedia dalam website panitia lokal hanya untuk peserta yang mengambil dan mengikuti ujian di wilayah pantia lokal. "Untuk panitia lokal Bandung bisa diakses di Namun data yang tersedia hanya universitas Panlok Bandung seperti Unpad, ITB, UPI dan UIN Sunan Gunung Jati," tuturnya.

Sedangkan cara yang ketiga, Peserta dapat  mengecek langsung ke situs universitas pilihan peserta. Caranya peserta diminta memasukan nomor ujian SNMPTN. Dari situ nanti akan bisa dilihat apakah ia lulus atau tidak di program studi universitas tersebut.

Pengumuman SNMPTN 2010 ini bersumber dari situs Semoga dapat bermanfaat buat rekan-rekan semua, Terima Kasih.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Video NC1253HZ6 Mentalis Dedy Corbuzier - HOAX kah!

Video NC1253HZ6 Mentalis Dedy Corbuzier - HOAX kah!

Setelah perhelatan akbar Piala Dunia 2010 berakhir dan Spanyol lah yang menjadi Juaranya, ternyata di Indonesia masih ada satu kejutan lagi yaitu maraknya pencarian Video NC1253HZ6 - Master Dedy Corbuzier di Youtube.

Hasilnya berbondong-bondong Mereka yang penasaran dengan video itu mencari-carinya melalui salah satu mesin pencari terbaik saat ini google.

Berikut Video dan Analisis NC1253HZ6 Mentalis Dedy Corbuzier:

Akhirnya apa yang dimaksud dengan kode NC1253HZ6 terungkap tadi pagi, usai kemenangan Spanyol atas Belanda di final Piala Dunia 2010. Deddy tampil secara langsung di layar televisi dengan upacara pembukaan kotak. Terdapat selembar kertas di dalamnya dengan tulisan skor "Belanda 0-2 Spanyol", tapi angka 2 dalam keadaan tercoret, digantikan oleh angka 1. Selanjutnya, Deddy membeberkan arti NC1253HZ6. Ia membuka papan yang terlipat dua: sisi terdepan menunjukkan "NC1253HZ6", kemudian ia membalikkan sisi lainnya yang tertulis "". Ternyata NC1253HZ6 adalah sebuah kanal di YouTube!

Di kanal itu, terdapat video Deddy yang mengatakan: "Sekarang tanggal 16 dinihari, dan saya memprediksikan negara yang akan memenangkan FIFA World Cup 2010...adalah Spanyol. Sekali lagi negara yang akan memenangkan FIFA World Cup 2010 adalah Spanyol, dan video ini akan saya upload ke YouTube secepatnya setelah rekaman ini selesai saya buat." Dan benar, Deddy secepatnya mengunggah video tersebut, sehingga tercantum 17 Juni 2010 sebagai tanggal naiknya video.

Mari kita tinjau video NC1253HZ6 ini secara tuntas. Perhatikan:

   1. Halaman adalah sebuah kanal (atau channel) di YouTube.
   2. NC1253HZ6 adalah nama pengguna (user), dan bukan tautan atau sebuah link utama video.
   3. Tautan video yang sebenarnya adalah
   4. Hanya ada satu video di dalam kanal NC1253HZ6. Judul videonya sendiri adalah NC1253HZ6.

Empat poin di atas menimbulkan kecurigaan, karena:

   1. Kalau Deddy ingin memberikan sebuah clue, seharusnya yang diberikan adalah 6WYnOQyWQe4, bukan NC1253HZ6. Otomatis, pemberian NC1253HZ6 adalah sebuah penipuan.
   2. Di dalam video ini, skornya tidak disebutkan. Otomatis, isi kotak dengan tulisan "Belanda 0-2 1 Spanyol" patut dipertanyakan. Kalau memang yakin, sudah selazimnya Deddy menyebutkan skor di dalam video ini.
   3. Tanggal upload video bisa diubah.
   4. Sebuah kanal bisa menampung jumlah video sebanyak-banyaknya dan bisa dihapus di kemudian hari.
   5. Setiap kanal terdiri dari "Recent Activity" atau catatan aktivitas terbaru yang bisa dihapus.
   6. Semua video yang diunggah si pengguna bisa diatur supaya tidak terlihat oleh umum. Terdapat tiga pilihan penyiaran:
          * Public (umum): Semua orang bisa melihat videonya.
          * Unlisted (tidak terdaftar): Hanya orang yang mempunyai link yang bisa melihat videonya.
          * Private (pribadi): Maksimal 25 orang yang bisa melihat videonya, dan orang-orang yang mendapatkan akses ditentukan oleh user sendiri.

Video NC1253HZ6 Mentalis Dedy Corbuzier apakah Trik yang dilakukan Master Dedy ini Hoax ataukah memang benar adanya, menurut Kami, Prediksi Paul Sang Gurita lah yang paling Fantastis.

Hasil Pertandingan Spanyol vs Belanda Skor 1-0

Hasil Pertandingan Spanyol vs Belanda Skor 1-0

Spanyol, oh Spanyol, akhirnya menjadi Juara Piala Dunia 2010 di Afrika Selatan.

Berikut Ulasan Hasil  Pertandingan Spanyol vs Belanda:

Secara keseluruhan, Spanyol jauh lebih baik dalam hal penguasaan Bola, terbukti banyak peluang yang tercipta dari para Kaki pemain Tim Matador ini.

Belanda hanya sesekali saja melakukan serangan, tapi serangan-serangan yang dibangun oleh Tim Orange ini hampir saja membuahkan Gol, Robben saja 2 kali berhadapan langsung dengan Kiper Casillas. Namun tidak berbuah Gol.

Pertandingan Spanyol vs Belanda dihujani banyak sekali Kartu, terbukti 14 kartu kuning dan 1 kartu merah telah dikeluarkan oleh wasit selama pertandingan berlangsung.

Spanyol baru berhasil mencetak gol menit ke 115 melalui tendangan Andrés Iniesta.

Hasil Pertandingan Spanyol vs Belanda Skor 1-0 ini membawa Spanyol menjadi Juara Piala Dunia untuk pertama kalinya.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hasil Pertandingan Uruguay vs Jerman Skor 2-3

Hasil Pertandingan Uruguay vs Jerman Skor 2-3

Prediksi Gurita Jerman vs Uruguay ternyata tepat, Tim Panzer berhasil memenangkan pertandingan perebutan Juara ke tiga ini dengan skor 3 untuk Jerman dan 2 untuk Tim Uruguay.

Wah, lagi-lagi Si Paul Prediksinya tidak melenceng selama memprediksikan Ajang Piala Dunia 2010 bergulir.
Cukup mengesankan memang, se ekor Gurita yang ukurannya termasuk mungil, berhasil membuat, tidak hanya di Bursa Taruhan Bola, tapi di seluruh Dunia, tercengang menyaksikan Fakta ini.

Hasil Pertandingan Uruguay vs Jerman Skor akhir 2-3 dan Kami mengucapkan Selamat buat Tim Jerman yang berhasil menjadi juara ke tiga Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan.

Kira-kira Prediksi Gurita - Belanda vs Spanyol meleset tidak ya, Pertandingan Final Perebutan Gelar Juara Dunia 2010 nanti malam.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Prediksi Uruguay vs Jerman - Gurita Paul

Prediksi Uruguay vs Jerman - Gurita Paul

Gurita Paul Telah memprediksikan Majikannya Jerman, dan Mereka di pastikan menang saat melawan Uruguay nanti.

Paul can count on. Paul Octopus Predicted about World Cup third place match Germany vs Uruguay, that Germany will win todays match. Uruguay coach Oscar Tabarez is inspired by the paul predictions and determined to prove that Paul and octopus not always right in his prognostications, by beating Germany in the third place play-off.
In the press conference the coach told that, "Now we are doubly motivated, It's not just about beating Germany, we have to beat the octopus as well."

Paul has correctly predicted the outcome of all six of Germany's World Cup games, including their first round defeat against Serbia and semi-final defeat by Spain.

Germany facing some fitness problems in the world cup Captain Philipp Lahm and forward Lukas Podolski suffering with a cold. Miroslav Klose with back injury and backup goalkeeper Tim Wiese is struggling with a knee injury.

Uruguay had a great chance to prove the Paul Octopus predictions are the wrong. Lets see what happens. Check Out the Germany vs Uruguay Live Soccer Betting Odds and Picks.

Prediksi Uruguay vs Jerman, Kira-kira percayakah anda dengan Prediksi sang Paul. Kita lihat saja nanti,

Prediksi Gurita - Belanda vs Spanyol

Prediksi Gurita - Belanda vs Spanyol

Si Gurita akhirnya memilih Spanyol sebagai pemenang saat final nanti, perebutan Juara Dunia FiFa World Cup 2010.

Paul The Psychic Octopus picks Spain to win World Cup‎’ Saturday’s 3rd/4th place play-off result will reveal whether Paul is still on form, and then the final result will follow on Sunday.

Paul is now 6-0 for the tournament, having correctly predicated the outcome every German game, including its upset at the hands of Serbia in the group stage.

Since correctly predicting Spain’s victory over Joachim Löw’s team Paul has been on the recieving end of a backlash from Germany fans.
Paul has been Germany’s soccer oracle since 2008. Now, with a perfect World Cup prediction record, Paul’s fame is growing—but so, too, are the death threats.

Paul the Psychic Octopus has a 100 record in World Cup 2010 as he has correctly predicted the result of all of Germanys games. 30pm GMT despite Germanys exit from the game. Paul who lives at the Sea Life Aquarium in Oberhausen currently has a 100 prediction record after correctly.

Bagaimana anda mempercayai Prediksi Gurita - Belanda vs Spanyol ini, lebih baik kita tunggu aksi pertandingannya.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Prediksi Spanyol vs Belanda

Prediksi Spanyol vs Belanda

World Cup 2010 Finals Preview - Netherlands vs Spain – In two days Netherlands and Spain will meet at Soccer City, Johannesburg. For Spain this will be history in the making and for Netherlands this will be a match that will define them as a team.

Spain never had a World Cup championship ever and this time they are the strongest team in the field. Their lost to Switzerland in the first match may have see doubts on fans added to this is their in the brink of lose wins.
Spain’s win against Germany changes everything on how we look at Spain. It brings back to the playing cards the fact that Spain is composed of players from two of the best football teams in the world Real Madrid and Barcelona.

World Cup 2010 Finals Preview: Netherlands vs Spain – In two days Netherlands and Spain will meet at Soccer City, Johannesburg. For Spain this will be history in the making and for Netherlands this will be a match that will define them as a team.

Spain never had a World Cup championship ever and this time they are the strongest team in the field. Their lost to Switzerland in the first match may have see doubts on fans added to this is their in the brink of lose wins.

Spain’s win against Germany changes everything on how we look at Spain. It brings back to the playing cards the fact that Spain is composed of players from two of the best football teams in the world Real Madrid and Barcelona.

Netherlands’ last World Cup finals appearance was in 1978. In the world of Soccer, the had made just one major soccer tournament, the 1988 European Championship.

Netherlands maybe the underdog in this finals match but if there is one thing we are sure, their fans clad in orange clothing, dress, paint and paraphernalia would surely fill the stadium on Sunday.

We will also see the best performance from their players like Arjen Robben and Wesley Sneijder.

Prediksi Belanda vs Spanyol, skor kemungkinan satu kosong untuk kemenangan Tim Matador Spanyol.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Download Video PNS Bogor - Cuma Berita ajah

Download Video PNS Bogor - Cuma Berita ajah

Seorang  PNS berinisial MA (35) yang bertugas di sebuah lembaga penelitian di Jalan Raya Tajur, Bogor Selatan, ditangkap aparat Polresta Bogor. Pria ini ditangkap karena menyebarkan rekaman video hubungan intim dirinya dengan mantan pacarnya, SH (34), yang juga seorang PNS di Kota Bogor, di internet.

Kepada Satuan Reskrim Polresta Bogor AKP Indra Gunawan menjelaskan, MA diamankan atas laporan SH yang tidak terima video mesum dengan mantan pacarnya itu disebar melalui internet.

"Motifnya MA sakit hati setelah diputuskan oleh SH. Kemudian yang bersangkutan menyebarkan rekaman hubungan badan itu ke internet," ujar Indra Gunawan di Mapolresta Bogor, Rabu (7/7/2010) siang.

SH tinggal di Kelurahan Bantarjati, Kecamatan Bogor Utara. Sedangkan MA juga tinggal di Bogor. Sejoli ini bertengkar hebat pada Sabtu (26/6/2010). Pertengkaran akhirnya berujung pada putusnya hubungan asmara di antara keduanya.

Tapi MA rupanya tidak bisa menerima pemutusan cinta itu. Dia lantas menyebarkan video hubungan intim mereka. Video ini berdurasi lima menit. Diduga, MA mengunggah video itu ke internet. Sehari setelah itu, SH melaporkan perbuatan MA ke Polresta Bogor.

"Kami masih terus melakukan pendalaman kasus dengan memeriksa korban, pelaku, dan saksi ahli," ujar Indra.

MA dapat dijerat Undang-undang (UU) Nomor 44 Tahun 2008 tentang Pornografi. Dia terancam hukuman 12 tahun penjara. Masih ada jeratan lain berupa UU Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (ITE) dengan ancaman enam tahun penjara dan denda Rp 1 miliar.

Hasil Pertandingan Spanyol vs Jerman Skor 1-0

Hasil Pertandingan Spanyol vs Jerman Skor 1-0

Spanyol, memastikan diri melaju ke babak Final Piala Dunia 2010 setelah berhasil tampil memukau dan sangat berhati-hati saat melawan Jerman di babak Semi Final.

Gol Spanyol tercipta dimenit ke 72, melalui tendangan sudut Xavi dan di sundul sempurna oleh Carlos Puyol. Skor 1-0, Spanyol unggul. Hasil Pertandingan Spanyol vs Jerman Skor 1-0 bertahan hingga usai.

Dengan hasil ini, Tim Matador akan berhadapan dengan Tim Orange pada hari senin 12 Juli 2010 pukul 1.30 WIB.

Bagaimana Prediksi Belanda vs Spanyol, nantikan Postingan kami selanjutnya.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Prediksi Spanyol vs Jerman

Prediksi Spanyol vs Jerman

Setelah kemarin memposting prediksi Uruguay vs Belanda, sekarang saya akan nulis prediksi Jerman vs Spanyol:

The Spain vs. Germany World Cup 2010 match set for this week is on the minds of soccer fans worldwide.  With two powerhouse teams meeting in the semifinals, both countries are on edge for the big game set to take place on Wednesday to determine who gets into the finals.

The game will be a rematch of the 2008 European final which Spain was the victor.  But the Germany Squad is on a tear with a crushing 4-0 win over the tough Argentina squad.  Both teams are playing well especially Germany who beat Argentina by a huge margin of 4-0.  The Spain squad was able to squeak out a win over Paraguay on a David Villa score off a rebound that gave the team a 1-0 win.

One big concern for the Germany World Cup team is the loss of Thomas Mueller who received a second yellow card on Saturday which forces him to be penalized the player as he will miss the Spain game next week.
How foolish were those who counted Germany out as contenders in the World Cup? Well, those look extremely foolish now as the three-time champions have emerged as the favorites to win it all.

Spain, meanwhile, were penciled in as favorites at the beginning of the tournament and as football experts who were Europe’s best hope of winning the World Cup. Now, they seem like a team who have drawn some favorable opponents and have been carried by one man, David Villa.

The Germans came into this tournament as a young and inexperienced team, missing their captain, Michel Ballack. It also seemed that legendary striker Miroslav Klose would no longer be a factor for the team. He only scored three goals with Bayern Munich this past season and appeared as if he would not close in on the World Cup record for goals. He is now one shy of Ronaldo’s record of 15.

Germany has proven that experience doesn’t necessarily mean success. They came into the tournament with a young team and few players with World Cup experience, but they have learned quickly. They made a splash in their very first match beating Australia 4-0. The only hiccup Germany suffered in this tournament was a 1-0 loss to Serbia in their second group game.

The scary thing also about this team is that they have outsmarted all of their opponents. Besides their stunning attacking play, they have shut down some of the world’s best players. Germany has been dominant from both ends of the pitch. They have scored a tournament-high 13 goals and they have only conceded twice.

The young Germans have not only dominated, but they’ve outclassed very worthy, talented teams. They stormed past England and Argentina, whose teams included Wayne Rooney, Steven Gerrard, Gonzalo Higuain and Lionel Messi. On paper, Germany doesn’t look like the most dangerous team, but they certainly are on the pitch.

Now on to the team who was a popular pick before the tournament began, the Euro 2008 Champions Spain. Everyone loved the Spaniards because of their creative play and the mixture of youth and experience. So far, they have been tough to figure out. They started their World Cup journey with a shocking loss to Switzerland, but bounced back to win their group. They then knocked off Portugal and Paraguay in two tight games to reach the final four.

Spain’s defence has been rather impressive as they themselves have only conceded two goals in this tournament, both in group play. That is really what has salvaged their World Cup hopes up to this point as their offence has been rather one-dimensional. Fernando Torres has still not scored a goal, but one man has made up for that. David Villa has been sensational and is a shoe-in for the Golden Ball award should Spain win the World Cup.

Just as he did two years ago, Villa has led the Spanish attack. He has scored five of Spain’s six goals and should be Germany’s main defensive concern. Germany should be looking to control the middle again as they did with Argentina’s attack and will likely play some aggressive football. Look for Spain to weather an early storm and try to counter attack with Villa leading the way.

Some good news for Spain and bad news for Germany is that Germany’s Thomas Muller is serving a one-game suspension following his second yellow card in the quarter-finals. Muller is Germany’s leading scorer and it’s a huge blow for the team.

Spain is only suffering from minor injuries. A couple of their players, defender Gerard Piqué and midfielder Sergio Busquets, have received yellow cards so they must play with caution or risk missing the final should Spain make it there.

Now it’s time to determine who the better team truly is. If Spain is as good as everyone says they are then this is the game when they must show it. They won’t get it done with Davis Villa alone this time though. They’ll need the best from all 11 men on the pitch to finally make it to their first World Cup final. As for Germany, they just have to keep doing what they’re doing. So, who’s the real favorite of the 2010 World Cup?

Prediksi Spanyol vs Jerman, skor sulit untuk diprediksikan, namu mayoritas melihat hasil pertandingan sebelumnya di anatara kedua Tim, pastilah Jerman lebih dijagokan.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Prediksi Uruguay vs Belanda

Prediksi Uruguay vs Belanda

Both teams, undefeated, will have to fight for a place in the final. Uruguay's martyr Luis Suarez -the player most familiar with Dutch football in the squad- will be unable to perform, while Netherlands will have to do without De Jong and Van der Wiel, Will Oscar Tabarez's squad be able to defeat Brazil's executioners without his Lion? Uruguay has made it once again to the latter stages of a World Championship, but the players are not satisfied with the goal reached. "To write history is to lift the cup" were Uruguay's captain Diego Lugano's words when asked about the performance of the Celeste. Uruguay only took on Netherlands once in a world cup, back in 1974 when the Oranges won 2-0.

Uruguay will have an Herculean task ahead, as it looked like Maestro Tabarez had found the perfect scheme to face any rival in South Africa after the first draw with France, but for this decisive match he'll be lacking three decisive players: Jorge Fucile was cautioned against Ghana -having already received a yellow card before, joining Luis Suarez in the list of Celeste's players with disciplinary problems. As if this was not enough, Uruguay's captain Diego Lugano might not be fully recovered of the strong impact on his right leg in the last match.

Mauricio Victorino will must surely occupy Fucile's place, though this will give Tabarez's team less presence to overwhelm from the wings. Suarez's replacement poses a totally different problem: It wouldn't be wise for Uruguay to have Forlan occupy the role of main play maker, as the Celeste won't be having a heavy weight striker to take better advantage of that strategy. Edinson Cavani will most surely be the second striker; Will Uruguay's coach prefer to modify his strategy to have more presence in the midfield or will Sebastian Abreu take over Suarez's place?

Young Nicolas Lodeiro, on the other hand, will most surely miss this game as his right foot will probably sideline him for the rest of the Cup, after experiencing intense pain against Ghana. Tabarez misses another creative player with this absence. At least Diego Godin appears to be ready to join Uruguay's back line, recovered from a muscular fatigue.

"We've been at the party for long, now it's time to dance" were Abreu's words, showing how seriously was team's morale boosted after last week's victory. If Tabarez takes advantage of the momentum of his team, than the Europeans will have a tough match against the last standing South American.

Arjen Robben and Wesley Sneijder are performing at their highest after some absence in the first matches of this competition. "Uruguay's players are fighters and survival artists. They are a dangerous rival, I like the way the play" were Netherland's coach, Bert van Marwijk regarding this match. After drinking Carioca's blood the team is ready to claim his 25th match undefeated, knowing they're probably the favorite for the title at the moment.

The victory over Brazil left a bitter aftertaste, as Robin van Persie and Joris Mathijsen finished the game struggling with injuries: The first fell over his right arm and could not continue playing, while the latter experienced certain inconveniences warming up for last week's game forcing the dutch coach to find a replacement in the last minute. "None of the tests revealed any danger and both players are ready to perform against Uruguay" were the official declarations regarding their present.

Netherlands have only made it to the final two times, in 1974 and 1978, but the European squad has never been able to lift a World Cup. Team's coach recognized he and his players were dreaming with the title since the beginning of the qualifying stage, and he called to never underestimate the power of belief.

But not everything is a bed of roses for Netherlands. The team will have to do without midfielder Nigel de Jong and defender Gregory van der Wiel. There have not yet been any official declarations regarding the starting eleven, but thanks to his performance in the last minutes of the Brazilian match Klaas Van-Huntelaar might have a chance within the starting squad.

It's been almost two years since the Orange suffered its last defeat, and thus it's impossible to ignore they're the favorites for this clash. Uruguay's players should be exhausted after their last match, and the dutch are known by turning any minor detail into a loose advantage, as it was proven against Dunga's squad.

Prediksi Uruguay vs Belanda, skor kemungkinan 2-0 untuk kemenangan Tim Orange.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Semburan Air di Makam Mbah Kwitang

Semburan Air di Makam Mbah Kwitang

Terjadi kehebohan di Jl Inspeksi Kali Ciliwung Jakarta Pusat. Air bersih menyembur dari makam Habib Abdurrahman bin Abdullah Al Habsyi atau yang terkenal disebut 'Mbah Ali Kwitang' saat makam hendak dibongkar untuk dipindahkan. Warga pun mengalir untuk menampung air bersih itu.

Mulai anak kecil, ibu-ibu maupun nenek penasaran ingin melihat makam yang oleh warga sekitar disebut "dikaromahkan" (dikeramatkan) tersebut. Lokasi makam ini sekitar 50 meter dari Jl Raden Saleh.

Pembongkaran makam telah dimulai hari Minggu lalu. Namun air baru menyembur Kamis 1 Juli. Warga sekitar menyatakan, awalnya air hanya keluar sedikit. Lama kelamaan air tersebut keluar cukup deras.
Warga kemudian memasang selang sepanjang 10 meter untuk dialirkan ke selokan kecil di area makam. Karena sebelumnya makam ini juga sudah dikeruk sedalam 4

Warga berebut ingin mengambil air tersebut. Warga meyakini air tersebut bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Warga membawa ember, jeriken, galon, dan panci untuk mengambil air jernih tersebut. Air tersebut bisa didapat secara gratis. Namun di dekatnya ditaruh sebuah kotak sumbangan sukarela. Saking banyaknya warga yang datang, untuk parkir motor pun bukan perkara mudah.

Salah satu warga, Jaelani mengatakan, dia tahu ada semburan air di makam Mbah Kwitang baru tadi pagi. Jaelani pun langsung ke makam karena air tersebut dikatakan orang-orang bisa menyembuhkan penyakit.

"Saya tahu tadi pagi. Langsung ke sini karena ini bisa langsung diminum katanya bisa menyembuhkan sakit. Insya Allah," ujarnya.

Area makam sendiri berada di tengah-tengah proyek pembangunan gedung. Masih belum diketahui akan dibangun apa bekas makam keramat ini. Tanah makam pun tampak sudah rata. Di dekatnya terdapat tulisan "Selamatkan Makam Habib Ali Kwitang."

Jasad Habib Abdurrahman bin Abdullah Al Habsyi dan istri sedianya dipindahkan ke lahan pengganti tak jauh dari lokasi lama. Lahan pengganti itu sekitar 700 meter persegi. Namun proses pemindahkan jasad belum terlaksana hingga kini.


Prediksi Jerman vs Argentina

Prediksi Jerman vs Argentina

Named as one of the best duels in the World Cup in 2010. Viewing the status of both teams and their statistical records, this title is reasonable.

The two teams met was at least 18 times at various levels of international competitions and tournaments, or simply to match melakoni trial.

From the 18th meeting, Argentina, to temporarily lead with the score 8-5. There were five last match ended in a draw.

The two teams last meeting occurred on March 4, 2010 at the test match, where Argentina won 1-0 through goals Gonzalo Higuain.

While the two teams meeting in the three previous editions of many colored draw. But at the level of international tournaments, Germany has fond memories of the 2006 World Cup, where they strolled into the semi-finals after harvest via shootout victory. In normal time, both teams a 1-1 draw.

 Record Team:
15/12/1993 - Trials - Germany 1-2 Argentina
17/04/2002 - Trials - Germany 0-1 Argentina
02/09/2005 - Trials - Germany 2-2 Argentina
21/06/2005 - Confederation Cup - Argentina 2-2 Germany
06/30/2006 - World Cup 2006 - Argentina 1-1 Germany (Germany win on penalties)
04/03/2010 - Trials - Germany 0-1 Argentina

Prediksi Argentina vs Jerman, Skor 1-0 untuk kemengan Jerman.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Prediksi Brasil vs Belanda

Prediksi Brasil vs Belanda

Belanda tak punya masalah cedera. Arjen Robben kemungkinan akan menjadi starter, dan pelatih Bert van Marwijk tidak akan mengubah line up. Van Marwijk dipastikan masih akan bermain dengan formasi 4-3-2-1, dengan Mark van Bommel dan Nigel De Jong menjadi dua central defender.

Arjen Robben dan Dirk Kuyt akan bermain melebar di kedua sisi pertahanan Brasil. Wesley Sneijder di belakang striker tunggal Robin van Persie.

Prakiraan Susunan Pemain (4-2-3-1): Stekelenburg, Van der Wiel, Heitinga, Mathijsen, Van Bronckhorst; Van Bommel, De Jong; Robben, Sneijder, Kuyt; Van Persie

Carlos Dunga punya masalah dengan cedera pemain. Ramires terkena dua akumulai kartu. Elano belum berlatih. Felipe Melo telah berlatih normal, tapi diragukan bisa menjadi starter. Daniel Alves akan menggantikan Elano. Salah satu dari Josue atau Kleberson akan menggantikan Ramires.

Prakiraan Susunan Pemain (4-2-3-1): Julio Cesar, Maicon, Lucio, Juan, Bastos; Gilberto Silva, Josue; Alves, Kaka, Robinho; Luis Fabiano

Pemain Layak Diamati
Arjen Robben: Winger Belanda ini tidak terlalu banyak memainkan perannya di penyisihan grup. Dia masih cedera ketika diturunkan saat laga melawan Slovakia, tapi bisa mencetak gol. Robben ditempatkan di ranking lima dalam Castrol Ranking. Ia akan menjadi senjata utama Belanda menghadapi Brasil.

Robinho: Mantan pemain Real Madrid yang sejauh ini tampil mengesankan di Piala Dunia 2010. Ia masih bisa tampil jauh lebih baik lagi, dan banyak yang memperkirakan saat inilah Robinho memperlihatkan kepiawaiannya sebagai destroyer lini belakang lawan.

Peluang Belanda memenangkan laga 42 persen. Brasil 58 persen. Brasil selalu menjadi favorit, tapi mungkin harus susah payah mengalahkan Belanda, yang selalu berbahaya saat menyerang.

Prediksi Belanda vs Brasil, Skor kemungkinan Belanda 1-2 Brasil.

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